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Falleti Motors
Falleti Motors
504 Ellicott Street
Batavia, NY, 14020
(585) 343-2247


Monday 8:00-6:00  
Tuesday 8:00-7:00 
 Wednesday 8:00-6:00               
Thursday 8:00-7:00  
Friday 8:00-6:00 
 Saturday 9:00-3:00                   
Sunday  closed - by appointment only

Falleti Motors is family owned and operated. We pride ourselves on building long lasting relationships based on trust, loyalty and respect. We are passionate about our business and about life and we believe that shines through in everything we do at Falleti Motors. We invite you to come explore the variety of automobiles we have thoughtfully selected for our inventory. We look forward to you becoming the next valued member of the Falleti Motors family.

Falleti Motors in Batavia, NY

Original Source: YouTube

Falleti Motors, Inc. was established in 1976. We are family owned and operated. We pride ourselves on personalized customer service. Looking for a vehicle and can't find it on our lot? We will locate exactly what you're looking for. Check us out at


Auto Mechanic, Auto Detailing in Batavia NY 14020

Original Source: YouTube

When you are in need of an auto shop in Batavia, NY, come to Falleti Motors Inc. We offer a variety of automotive services including Auto Mechanic, Auto Detailing, Pre-Owned Vehicles and much more. We strive to complete our work efficiently and dependably. For a great service in Batavia, NY, call on Falleti Motors Inc.


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